- كتاب منشور عن القيادة الاكاديمية بعنوان " في أروقة القيادة الأكاديمية"
- كتاب مترجم بعنوان "مصائد صنع القرار"
- فصل عن التعليم الطبي في المملكة كما يأتي:
Mohammad Yahya Al-Shehri, Steve Campbell, Mohd Zahedi Daud, et al. "Development of Medical Education in Saudi Arabia." Higher Education in Saudi Arabia: Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities 40 (2013): 13-149. .
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4) Anwar Sheikha, Mansour Al-Janadi, Mohammad Al-Shehri, and Syed Raziuddin: Peripheral T-cell lymphomas: Cytokine profile and characteristic interleukin-4 and tumor necrosis factor a deficiency. International J of Oncology 3: 0-0; 1993.
5) Anwar Sheikha, Mansour Al-Janadi, Jaffar Malik, R.E. Abdalla, Omar Al-Amari and Mohammad Al-Shehri: Visceral leishmaniasis with a very low degree of bone marrow parasitemia, mimicking malignant histocytosis. International J of Oncology 3:477-480; 1993.
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7) Mohammad Yahya Alshehri: Gastropleural fistula associated with hepatic hydatid cyst. Report of a case and review of literature. Emirates Medical Journal (1994) 12: 154-156.
8) Saeed Ali Abu-Eshy, Mohammad Yahya Al-Shehri, Abdur-Rauf Khan, Ghulam Mustafa Khan, et al: Causes of Goiter in the Asir Region: A histopathological analysis of 361 cases. Annals of Saudi Medicine. 1995; 15: 74-76.
9) Mohammad Arshad Cheema, Mohammad Yahya Al-Shehri: Surgery for bleeding esophageal varices. J.Pak.Med.Assoc. 1995; 45: 6-9.
10) Saeed A. Abu-Eshy, Abdurrauf Khan, Mohammad Elbagir, K Ahmed, Abdul-Naser A. Batouk, Mohammad Yahya Al-Shehri. Regression of metastasizing hepatocellular carcinoma. Egypt . J. Med. Sci, 1994; 15: 287-294.
11) O.G. Ajao, I.A. Grillo, T. Malatani, Alshehri MY: Colo-rectal carcinoma in a Tropical African Population: An overview report. East African Medical Journal, 1994;71:640-643.
12) Saeed Ali Abu-Eshy, Gaafar Mohammed Malik, Abdur-Rauf Khan, Ghulam Mustafa Khan, Al-Shehri MY: Schistosomal appendicitis. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 1995: 15: 347-349.
13) Mohammad Yahya Alshehri, Ahmed Ibrahim, Nadir Abuaisha, et.al:“The value of rebound tenderness in acute appendicitis". East African Medical Journal 1995; 72:504-506.
14) S.A. Abu-Eshy, A.R. Khan, M.A. Al-Humaidi, M.Y. Al-Shehri. Thyroid malignancy in multinodular goitre and solitary nodule. J.R. Coll. Surg. Edinb, 1995; 40: 310-312.
15) A Igbinovia, GM Malik, IA Grillo, OA Seidi, JU Egere, MM Hachem, MY Al-Shehri: Deep venous thrombosis in Assir Region of Saudi Arabia- case-control study. J Angiology 1995; 46: 1107-1113.