نبذة عن القسم

The Computer Sciences Department was established with the foundation of the faculty of sciences by 1427 H to prepare distinct national graduates in the field of computer sciences to keep abreast in the development witnessed by the educational renaissance in the Kingdom.

د.سلطان بن منادي العنزي
رئيس قسم علوم الحاسبات

برامج الكلية

اسم البرنامجالمسارالكليةالقسمالموقعالدرجة العلميةالساعات الدراسيةالخطة الدراسية
dsaScience CollegeDepartment of Computer ScienceArarDiploma Program22

رؤية ورسالة القسم


Providing high-quality computer science education, producing well-prepared graduates who are confident in their abilities and their interaction with society, and gaining scientific and provisional skills including the areas of scientific research to keep up with ongoing developments in computer science.


To be one of the pioneer departments in achieving the distinction in educational performance, and scientific research, in the Computer Science field.


  • To provide students with updated knowledge, skills, and technologies in the field of Computer Science-
  • To enhance students' critical thinking, problem-solving, lifelong learning, and research and teamwork skills in the field of Computer Science-
  • To prepare students for the job market with the required professional and ethical responsibility in the field of Computer Science-
  • To participate in community service activities-